Monday, January 26, 2009

Give me chicken!

Last night I gave Mini-Me a piece of chicken while I was cooking with the BBQ grill. When we walked inside the kitchen; I gave her the usual cat food meal. She meowed “No Chicken!" Oh, oh, I realized she doesn't suffer from short term memory loss. So, I tried again to give her the fresh open cat food with encouragement. I received the same reaction with negative body language. OK, she ate chicken last night, but she had cat food for breakfast. Her short term memory is only 12-hours.


Anonymous said...

LOL - maybe next time, drizzle a little chicken stock over the food and tell her it was just clucking

RANGER said...

We have a chicken hold-out in our house, too. If we give her any, we drop it in her bowl when she is not looking. She has a magic bowl.

Big Ed said...

If you don't give the cat chicken, I bet she wont go starving. She'll always manage to eat.