Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cardboard City

The orange and white kitty with his legs stretch forward is Body Guard. Mini-Me is sitting next to him on the thrown of Cardboard City. Buttons is sitting on the ground behind the boxes watching them wondering what it must be like to be able to sit on the boxes. Body Guard will only allow the kittens to join him in one of his favorite spots. Body Guard jumped on top of the Taurus hood due to the warmth of the engine before I even got out of the car last night from school. He also likes to sleep on top of the car and slide six inches down the windshield leaving think paw prints behind.


Anonymous said...

They are lucky cats to have found a sponsor. Do sponsors name their protégés? Yes, I believe they do ...

Anonymous said...

Are they all yard kitties or have some of them been enticed into the interior of the place where Nice Lady lives? (I think proteges name their sponsers right back!)

Zeta said...

Body Guard likes to walk around the house for a few minutes in the morning and look at all the bedrooms. Zoro likes to sit in the door-way and watch from behind the door looking outside. Buttons will only approach me when she is hungry; however, she is afraid of hands. The two kittens like to sit in the wash room near Body Guard and just look around.

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if your feline crew is considering buying the place. Or perhaps taking over, which sounds like a good feline plan.

Big Ed said...

The only problem is they have Feline money.

Anonymous said...

Not to quibble but we can use the Kibble! :)