Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy ending.

Yahoo. The Rav4 was found by the Miami Dade Police Department. The only items missing were CD's, towel and an umbrella. The Rav4 was discovered at a condominium because the thieves were waiting to see if lo-jack was installed. Or, they were visiting a friend and their ride disappeared since the vehicle was located in a visitor’s parking spot. Ha. All the parts were attached and no additional miles were acquired. Most of the condo association’s in our area have strict rules and if a vehicle is parked over night without a decal or visitors pass, it is towed.


Big Ed said...

I imagine the car was not towed.

Zeta said...

Yes, the truck driver towed the car to the police impound early in the morning for safe keeping. The auto insurance covered the small fee to store the vehicle until the owner claimed the car.

Big Ed said...

Wow, the tow truck driver came ahead on that one.

RANGER said...

This was an unusually fortunate outcome. So many victims of auto theft find that not enough of the vehicle is recovered to recognize it, much less drive it.

I am so happy for E and family.