Sunday, July 1, 2007

Baby shower pictures

The Mom to be is Zoe, and she is wearing a striped dress to your left. Linda who is in the middle, used to work with us until a year ago. Linda’s son (four months at the time) kidneys were shutting down. He has received a kidney from a donor who was fifteen years old after only being on the transplant list for ten weeks. He only had a matter of weeks to survive when he was placed on the list. Her son is now doing much better; however, his bladder needs to grow to match the rest of his body. In one of our conversations, I mentioned to Linda that when he graduates from high school and college, you are going to experience many emotions. After I posted this picture, I realized the three of us went through family experiences in the hospital. Zoe’s bother had back surgery, and M. had minimum adv. heart surgery. There were other pictures taken of employees, but this picture is special.

The top package contains Johnson and Johnson Baby First Bath Kit, and the second package contains a Safety First tub/shower.


Big Ed said...

Life goes on... Zoom, Zoom, Zoom.

RANGER said...

I wish I could enlarge the picture. I sure will try to save it! What a nice day it is when you can gather with friends and remember.