Mark and I decided have an early morning breakfast at Miami Beach on Saturday. We were going to eat at a restaurant called Nexxt, but they didn’t open until 10 AM. We decided to eat at Van Dikes since they open at 8 AM with coffee and food ready to serve. The environment morning cleaning crews where sweeping the sidewalks from the dinner crowd with tons of candy wrappers from Ghirardelli in small piles every 12-feet. The employees who work at Ghirardelli shop will give you free candy as you walk inside their front door. They will hand you more candy if you look as if you could really use more chocolate. More please…..hum. The World Cup started their pre-game celebration with Van Dike patrons very serious about spending an entire month following soccer. Our food arrived along with my ice-coffee to help keep me cool. It felt strange to sip coffee through a straw, but I still enjoyed the caffeine. We decided to walk several blocks to the beach after paying for breakfast. The water was cool with no oil in sight. Not yet……..The crowed was light without any Life Guards on duty at any of the pavilions. We left after about an hour since the sun was on the warm side. We also noticed this water fountain was repaired while fully operational so I took a picture of the gorgeous blue collage of stone. We noticed an construction employee using a jack hammer while tearing up the road to install new pipes under the street near the parking garage. None of the construction employees were wearing ear plugs while the man holding the jack hammer arms were bouncing up and down from the heavy vibration. We drove away in the PT wondering how they could stand such a loud noise without wearing ear plugs.
Our next adventure was DSW for shoe shopping therapy. I didn’t have any luck since I could not find any shoes I liked in my size. Grrrrreeerrrr. So we headed to Panera for some soup before we headed to Publix. I decided to glance at my FB to see what was going on with my family and peeps. Elissa posted she had arrived to DSW. So I posted back we had just left DSW and now eating at Panera. After Elissa left DSW, she went to Publix. While she was at Publix, she read my post that we were now shopping at Publix. Good minds think alike. She was at the Publix near her home and we were at the Publix near ours. She called me and we laughed about how similar our afternoons were. She also found great deals on her shoes. Yes, at least one of us had a great therapy session.
What a lovely way to spend a day - like a vacation day except for, maybe, the Publix visit. it is getting hot isn't it? It was 98 on our front porch at 12:50 this Sunday afternoon. Ugh!!!
I love shoe therapy. It's funny how similar our days were...with the exception of 'morning' and 'breakfast.' I was definitely not up on a Saturday at 8 AM...or 10 AM for that matter. And Steve stayed home to play video games while I shopped at DSW. I guess we have different ideas of what is therapeutic.
Van Dyke's has great breakfast don't they?
Oh, yes they do. The ambiance is so relaxing along with merchants setting up for their busy day. Flip flops, sand, sun, and tons of salt water to wade in.
It was 98 on your frotn porch! Whew.
Zeta's blog is the only one that isn't blocked at work, so I had read it but the picture never would load. I haven't mentioned this small fact to our IT Tech or he might block me altogether.
Still, on a 98 degree day, airconditioned Publix might even seem like a mini-vay. Especially in a new pair of shoes! I'm just sayin'.....
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